Thursday, July 2, 2015

Every Love Story is Beautiful

If you've found this blog then you're most likely a family member or family friend who knows that Dan and Mayone are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this summer!

As their children, we have asked questions and gathered details about "their story"; about how they met, fell in love, and decided to marry and build a life together. Learning and enjoying this story has been quite a remarkable experience for our family. We have realized that this love story is a significant part of our family history; it's how we all got our start, it's the reason we each got a chance to live life, and to search and find love for ourselves.

Knowing this story has helped us feel closer to the two amazing people who were willing to build their lives around each other and to invite us to join in. We think it is amazing that they have endured "for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health..." the challenges of family life together.  Knowing how it all began helps us understand why they've worked so hard at keeping and building their love. We think their commitment to each other and to each of us is very commendable and very worthy of celebration! Their story has inspired us and helped deepen understanding, compassion, hope, and love within our family.

 Every love story is beautiful and special, but we have to say... this one is our favorite.

Through the month of July we'll post the many small stories and details that make up Dan & Mayone's love story and then we'll hope to see many of you at the Anniversary Party to be held on July 28th at The Bowery @ Neilsen's Grove Park in Orem, Utah.

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