This is the story of a boy named Taniela "Muli". He was born in 1940 and was raised in Tongatapu, Tonga in his mother's village of Fahefa.
Vaiokema and 'Ofa Kinikini and their unmarried children. About 1965. |
Although known through much of his childhood as "Muli", this boy began attending LDS church sponsored schools (and later joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) where he was encouraged to use his legal given name ("Taniela" which means "Daniel") and to declare a 'family name' ( "Kinikini"). This is why you may know this man by either "Muli" or "Dan". In the telling of this story we will use both interchangeably.
Although they were not members of the LDS Church, Muli's parents, Vaiokema and 'Ofa, were pleased to see their son have opportunities for education. Taniela graduated from the LDS Church school, Liahona High School, in 1959 and then participated in academic preparations to go to the LDS church college in Hawaii.
Graduating Class of 1959 (Muli is on the top row center) |
Taniela Muli left Tonga in 1962 bound for Hawaii where he would begin attending Church College of Hawaii. He left behind a married sister Manu and a married brother Hoko, three other brothers Metui, Paula, and Sateki (Kini) and two teenage sisters, Valu and Litea, and a little sister Lose. And lots of extended family too.
Village scenes from Fahefa and Beautiful Valu (Muli's Sister) |
Muli's Nephew Mavae and Little Sister Lose |
Good Friends and Family will be Missed |
Muli's Little Sister's , Grandma Selita Valu Kinikii on her island of 'Uiha. Muli with Tiki. |
Brother "Kini" and Mafi say farewell |
Muli says Goodbye to the children and cousins. |
"Who knows how long it will be until we see each other again." |
Uncle Muli and Leo and Family say goodbye in Nuku'alofa |

Family photo taken about 1965 (Muli is not pictured because he was in Hawaii)
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