Tuesday, July 28, 2015

First Date

One fall Sunday after church Dan and Mayone were leaving meetings at the same time. Dan asked Mayone "Have you been around the island yet?" Mayone replied "No" (few students had cars to get around on their own) Dan then offered "Would you like to go take a drive to the North Shore?"
Of course Mayone said "Yes!". 

Dan then borrowed a car, grabbed his ukulele, and off they went to explore Haleiwa, a small village town several miles to the north. While there, they walked on the beach and Dan played his uke. Seizing an opportunity to impress her, Dan serenaded Mayone with his own rendition of "Ku'uipo", a ballad made popular by Elvis Presley in his movie Blue Hawaii which was released two years earlier, in 1961. 

After this first date, Dan and Mayone began to spend more and more time with each other. Their dates were not very different from many students who have met and dated in Laie in the decades since: They would walk around campus, attend school dances and activities, and see campus movies after the PCC night show. 

The pictures below were taken on a a 'date' where Dan and Mayone walked around campus and photographed each other so they could send pictures home to their families. 

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