Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Hi! I'm Ofa. This blog is about my parents Taniela (Muli) and Mayone Kinikini. If you see this post (and nothing else) it means you've caught me before I figure out how to do this 'blogging' thing. But I'm committed to sharing with you a very sweet story I've come to love and learn from. Please come back and visit soon. I'll be telling the love story that goes with these adorable people. You won't want to miss it!


  1. I will keep watching this, Ofa! I'm known as G'ma on blogs because the first blog I responded to was my granddaughter's blog. I would just love to be at the big anniversary bash, wearing my muu muu and seeing my good friends again but I'm getting my house ready to sell and it's taking all my time and energy and $. I do have a sister in Salt Lake but she's here now so I can't use that as a 2nd reason to travel.

  2. p.s. I guess I should have identified G'ma as me...Joan Sinclair!
